Beer Pong Rules & Regulations

Be Safe, Be Healthy, Be Clean. Implement the Health Cup Rule.

Each player identifies and marks their "Health Cup" usually by writing their name on the cup. This cup is to be used only by that individual as a container for which the liquid from the playing cups is poured into. The Health Cup is not part of the 20 playing cups.

Each team consists of 1 or 2 players.

One Official Party Pong Beer Pong Table.

Two Official Party Pong balls per table.

Cups will be set up in a 4, 3, 2, 1 formation.

Distribute 24 oz. of liquid evenly among all 10 cups per side.

Rock, Paper, Scissors will decide the team that shoots first (Best of 3).


Each team member will shoot a pong ball.

Tossed shots are worth 1 cup.

Bounce shots are worth 2 cups.

Bouncing and Defending

Balls can be tossed or bounced into opposing team’s cups. IF a ball is bounced in by the Shooting Team (ST), the Defending Team (DT) must pull 2 cups instead of 1 (pull the cup the ball lands in and an additional cup chosen by the ST). However, once the ball touches the table it is considered "LIVE" and can be blocked or deflected by the DT. If the ball is touched prior to touching the table or a cup, the DT must pull a cup as a penalty (ST chooses which cup to pull).


2 “Re-Racks” per team per game.

Each team is allowed 2 “Re-Racks” per game.

Cups must be arranged within the triangle.

Re-Racks are only allowed at the beginning of the Shooting Team’s turn.

Idiot Rule

If a ball is dropped, swatted, deflected, or accidentally falls into a cup by a ST player, that cup must be pulled as a penalty.

The Rebuttal “Shoot ‘till you miss

Once the last cup for the Shooting Team is made, the Defending Team ALWAYS has a chance for a rebuttal.

No Re-Racks allowed before a Rebuttal.

Each player on the Rebuttal Team has one shot to make all remaining cups.

During a “Rebuttal”, if you make your shot, you continue to “shoot ‘till you miss.”

If a cup is made, it is pulled immediately.

If the Rebuttal Team makes all of their remaining cups for a successful rebuttal, the game goes into “Overtime” (see Overtime rules below).


Set up 6 cups for Overtime game.

The team that made all of their cups first in regulation, shoots first in Overtime.

Regulation Rules apply.


There is no Elbow Rule, but players may not excessively lean over the table

No Excessive leaning over the table

Knocked over cups count as made cups

No “Blowing” or “Fingering”